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The podcast about
texts and ideas
that change us.

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

Ron Watson and Rosie Pasqualini discuss the factors that led to the increasing popularity of atheism in the US, and the complex relationship between faith and social justice. Our discussion references and expands upon this 2019 Atlantic article by Derek Thompson. There are occasional construction sounds in the background and Ron is wearing a cool jacket.

Fun fact: This episode was also filmed! You can watch it here, courtesy of BeloitTV.

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

Can an algorithm replace a market system? In this episode, I’ll talk to my friend Aidan Paradis about economics, politics, and the role that information technology plays in mediating the two. We’ll discuss lightbulbs, grocery stores, and communism (sort of). There will be exactly one pun in the episode.

My interview with Aidan is centered on Sophie Roell’s interview with economist Henry Farrell, which can be found here.

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